
Week # 4 Reading


Speaking about music

Reading about music

Is music in film important? why or why not?
Give examples from movies you know.

IELTS Listening


Week #3 Speaking

Vocabulary list
Open the vocabulary list and try to use at least 2-3 words from each group while having an academic conversation. 
Use the vocabulary to change the subject and/ or steer the conversation. 

Speaking questions - various topics
Use high level academic vocabulary.

Week #3 Writing

Task #1 writing practice

Task #1 writing
Discuss commuting and compare the amounts of traffic and congestion in different cities.
Practice exercise-click here

Task #1 Practice -click here- fill in the gaps
         #2 Practice -click here- compare the 2 essays

Task #1 writing- a process

Week #3 Reading

When was you last holiday?
Describe to your partner where you stayed.

What defines a national park?
Do you have national parks in your country? city? 
Who visits them and what can you do there?
Are these places worth protecting?

Reading - practice reading- IELTS general exam 

IELTS full academic reading test - timed (60 min)

Week #3 Listening

Academic Listening Practice

#1click here
 (TOEFL listening to a conversation- answer the questions that follow)

#2click here
 (TOEFL listening to a lecture- taking notes and use them as you answer the questions that follow)

IELTS full Listening Test (40 minutes)
click here 

listen again and check for understanding of section 3 and 4.


Week #2 Speaking

Speak about the current education system in your country? 
What are the pros and cons? keep to the main points only and ensure you points are clear.

 How will you change the education system? Give points and reasons for your points.

 Describe your work place? What is your position and how do you contribute to the overall performance of the company?

Describe the employment process in your country.

Discuss about the roles of men and women in your country.

What is your opinion about brain-drain? How do you think it will affect the overall economy of a country?

Speaking topics to discuss


Week#2 Writing

Task #2- writing
Discuss the following task that was featured on the IELTS exam.
Try the activities that are given.

click here

What is cultural identity?
How is it maintained?
What does communication and transportation have to do with this?
Discuss the following question and write your full task #2 response.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
As mass communication and transport continue to grow, societies are becoming more and more alike leading to a phenomenon known as globalization. Some people fear that globalization will inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural identity.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Week #2 Reading

Read - The scoop-click here


Academic Reading- The Economist
Clouds over troubled waters
Fiddling with clouds could help tame hurricanes


Week #2 Listening

Health and Wellness
What is wisdom?
Explore vocabulary on this topic-

Predict possibile lecture topics that may be presented.

Listening- click here
video version - click here

Review the picture below and predict the listening topic.

Academic Listening - click here

With a partner or group write 5 IELTS style questions for the listening

IELTS Listening -click here


Week #1 Speaking

Vocabulary review - writing task #1

Opinion phrases- click here

Speaking vocabulary and questions- click here

Tell a Story- about your life to a partner ( use linking phrases)

  1. Please describe yourself.
  2. Please describe your family.
  3. Please describe your home.
  4. Please describe some of your interests.
  5. Please describe your job.
  6. Please describe your studies

Speaking Practice questions

click here

Part 2

click here

click here

Part 3

click here

Week #1 Writing

Writing task #1- click here to review

Understanding what to write and where to put the information.

                                          - Task#2- topics


Week #1 Reading

First Paragraph Predictions

Academic articles - Skim
Ielts online reading
#1click here

Extra Reading Practice
#2click here  


Week #1 Listening

Food for thought 

#1click here
Follow up listening /reading - Food
#2 click here



Part #1
Part #2
 click here

 listening practice
click here


Week #12 Speaking

Topics to discuss and expand - write down and list extra vocabulary 

 Useful Vocabulary for Ielts speaking

Speaking questions
Practice with a partner


Time and Ageing
Do you value time? How, why and when?
When does time move fast or slow?
Do you feel yourself ageing?
Describe time in your country.

Read the following article
click here

Writing -
choose one sentence and write one page, using personal examples and reasons for choosing it.

Ielts topic -Task #2
In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others people can work until they are 65 or 70. Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment?
 Give reasons for your answer.


Test week- Reading

What damage are the capable of?
Where do they form?
How are they formed?
What do you think happens before, during and after?
Why is research done on tornadoes?

Now read the following article and answer the questions


Week #12 Speaking


Ielts online listening  topics

SPCA Application for Dog Adoption
Label the map below
Client Survey Form
The Learning Support Centre

Online listening test

click here for questions

Extra speaking practice
click here

IELTS week #12 writing

Writing for task #1- Vocabulary development

adjectives and adverbs- list

Nouns and verbs list


Week #11 Speaking

Ask and answer the following questions with a partner, extend the conversation by asking your own follow up questions.

Listen to a few answers to questions and extend on them and gain new vocabulary. 

IELTS - Speaking Part 2- Practice
click here

For additional speaking material - click here

Week #11- Writing

Create introductions for  5 of the following topics
click here

Remember to include a
history or general information on the topic
your thesis statement ( 3 manin points)
(main content of the essay to follow).

After you have written 5 introductions, write the outlines for your essays.

Finally choose one topic to write a full essay on.
Please include linking phrases and clear logical thinking.

Essay - Homework

What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people
in your country? Use specific reasons and examples to support your


Week #11 Reading

     Watch the video and take detailed notes on the process and verbs used.

Chewing gum history
click here

Online reading -click here

Online Reading - timed test
click here


Week #10 Listening/ Speaking

Listening- full Practice Exam - in class

Extra listening-click here

Speaking - Practice questions with answers



Week # Listening

Discuss these two TED Talk topics:

1. City gardens
2. Violence

Listen, take notes and then write a short summary on the main idea of the talks.

IELTS Listening:

Listen and take notes
Listen again and try to answer the questions

click here- part 1
click here- part 2
click here- part 3 (review the script)


Week #9 Speaking

Speaking exercises and practice- click here

Speaking test 1
Do you study or work? (I said I recently graduated)
What did you study?
Do you like that subject?
Why do you like it?
Why did you choose this particular subject?
Cue card
I had to talk about some interesting news I read in a newspaper
- when did this happen?
- what was the news about?
- why was it interesting?
We talked about the marketing of the newspapers in my country:
- How do they market themselves in order to increase sales?
- What marketing practices do they use?
- Do I think that some newspapers put a spin on the real story to increase sales?

Speaking test 2
- Where do you live
- Describe your city and your immediate area
- What are your leisure time activities
Cue Card
Describe any law which you like,
- explain what law that is,
- how you will follow it,
- what you like the most about it
What international law should be applied all over the world?
Are policemen popular in your country?
Who are more popular, the layers or the police?

Week #9 Speaking

Practice exercises-click here

Speaking test 1
Do you study or work? (I said I recently graduated)
What did you study?
Do you like that subject?
Why do you like it?
Why did you choose this particular subject?
Cue card
I had to talk about some interesting news I read in a newspaper
- when did this happen?
- what was the news about?
- why was it interesting?
We talked about the marketing of the newspapers in my country:
- How do they market themselves in order to increase sales?
- What marketing practices do they use?
- Do I think that some newspapers put a spin on the real story to increase sales?

Speaking test 2
- Where do you live
- Describe your city and your immediate area
- What are your leisure time activities
Cue Card
Describe any law which you like,
- explain what law that is,
- how you will follow it,
- what you like the most about it
What international law should be applied all over the world?
Are policemen popular in your country?
Who are more popular, the layers or the police?


Week #9 Writing

Writing Sample Task #1
Discuss the graphs / read the sample and rewrite it in your own words as fast  as you can.

Writing Task #2
Read the following Task and write an outline

In many cities crime is increasing. Why do you think this happening? What can governments do to help reduce crime levels? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. 

click here- to read the sample answer  then write your own as fast as you can.

Writing Practice- click here  for  the top 20 topics


Week #8 Speaking

Reading -with a partner read the article out loud taking turns.

Listening and discussion
- First sight , second thoughts

Part 2 -practice
click here

IELTS- speaking
Part 2-click here
Part 3- click here


Week #8

Climate Change - video
click here

Listening- video
click here- take notes

Write your reaction to the video and discuss with a group

What do you think World Oceans Day is about ?
click here- History
and here- Overview
and here- Local

IELTS Writing Task 2

Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?


Week #7 speaking

Basic questions with answers
Practice fluency and make the answers better add your information.


Speaking- online questions

Extra topics and questions-click here

Opinion phrases-click here

Essay outlines

 Outlines for Essays

#1 click here

#2 click here


Week #7

Some writing Task #1 exercises

Task #1 model answers with figures and explanation by examiners.

writing task #2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
As mass communication and transport continue to grow, societies are becoming more and more alike leading to a phenomenon known as globalization. Some people fear that globalization will inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural identity.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Week #7 Reading

Vancouver Sun 

Academic article - Vancouver


Week #6 Speaking

IELTS Preparation 

Part 1 Practice questions

Part 2  Practice questions

Part 3  Practice questions


Week #6 Writing

Writing- discuss the topic from several sides
click here

Spelling test

Practice writing Task #2  

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
In today's competitive world, many families find it necessary for both parents to go out to work. While some say the children in these families benefit from the additional income, others feel they lack support because of their parents' absence.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

click here - model answer

Week #6 Reading

National post

Practice Reading


Week #5 Writing test

Task #1
Writing vocabulary
click here- vocabulary
click here- graphs and sample answers

Task #2
Writing skills and sentence placement
click here


Week#5- IELTS Reading Test

Academic Reading

Academic reading and note-taking

Improving reading speed

Online Reading tests- no answer keys